A few years ago, my husband and I decided to go on an incredible vacation to Europe. Unfortunately, we didn't know very much about booking hotels, and so we ended up staying in some pretty "interesting" places. When we weren't scared about the other guests, we were worried about taking home bed bugs, and we were surprised about the pricing! After that experience, we decided to research travel accommodations, so that we weren't ever put in that same situation ever again. This blog is a cumulative report of our findings--which is why this website is chock full of information about travel and lodging. Read on to find out more.
James Butler
Are you a new parent that is getting ready to go on vacation? If you are, there are some additional factors to consider when bringing along your newborn. Not only are there traveling factors to keep in mind, but you will also want to be sure that staying in a hotel with your newborn is easy and doesn't take away from your vacation. So, when planning for your vacation stay, be sure that you prepare for your hotel by bringing your own:
Being cribs are big, bulky, and not easy to travel with, you will find that a playpen will be able to accommodate your baby's needs just fine. A majority of playpens are foldable, which make them much easier to travel with, which is why using a playpen is best. A playpen will not only allow your baby to have a designated play area, but this will accommodate your newborn's sleeping arrangement as well. This will make it much easier, as you won't have to worry about you baby potentially falling from the bed, which will make sleeping more comforting and less worrisome.
Bottle Warmer:
Newborns can get hungry at any given moment, which means you'll have to be prepared for your little one's next meal. Babies can get extremely cranky when they are not fed as soon as they are hungry, which is why having their bottle ready for them as soon as they need it is critical. This will help keep your baby calm, so you can avoid having a crying baby that potentially wakes the surrounding hotel guests. Ensuring your baby's bottles are ready quickly, you will want to bring your own bottle warmer. This will prevent you from dealing with having to use the sink so you can heat the bottle up with warm water, which can be very time-consuming. Instead, bring your own bottle warmer, as this will allow you to heat the bottle much faster and more efficiently.
Area Rug:
Bringing along an area rug can be more helpful than you think. Not all hotels offer soft and cushiony carpet flooring, which can prevent you from feeling comfortable having your baby crawl or lay on the floor. By having your own area rug, you can create a designated crawling or play area for your baby if you decide not to bring along a playpen. You will also be able to use the area rug as a designated diaper-changing area, as well as a feeding area. This will prevent you from potentially getting stains on the floor and the hotel bed, which can save you from having to pay a deposit due to potential hotel damages.
These three items can easily get overlooked when preparing for your vacation, which can make your hotel stay a bit difficult and can take away from you being able to relax. So, before take off for your vacation, definitely be sure to bring these items along as they will help make your hotel stay more comfortable for both you and your little one.